2023 Special Project Donors

  • HVAC Replacement

  • Roof Replacement

  • •    Allen E. and Marie Nickless Memorial Foundation
    •    Frank N. Anderson Foundation
    •    HSC Cares
    •    Michigan Arts & Culture Council
    •    Michigan Nonprofit Association
    •    Robert W. Hesse and Eileen E. Hesse Memorial Fund
    •    Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation
    •    Wickson-Link Foundation
    •    William F. McNally Family Foundation
  • •    Colucci, Mike
    •    Douglas C. Iles Charitable Trust
    •    Frances Goll Mills Fund
    •    Harvey Randall Wickes Foundation
    •    Jenkins, James & Anita
  • Water, Water Everywhere Update

  • Car Works Update

  • •    Alice E. Turner Memorial Trust
    •    Bay Area Community Foundation
    •    Nexteer Automotive
    •    Saginaw Community Foundation
    •    The Rehmann Foundation
    •    Yeo & Yeo Foundation
  • •    Harvey Randall Wickes Foundation
    •    Nexteer Automotive
  • Solar Update

  • •    HSC Cares
    •    Nexteer Automotive