Play At Home - STEM

  • Delve into the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math and enjoy hands-on STEM challenges your kids will love!
  • Rock Candy Science

    Do you think you can make rock candy out of Kool-Aid? Follow these steps to find out. The best part? This science experiment doubles as a tasty snack once its complete!

    1. Soak your skewers in water for at least one hour. 
    2. Remove, then coat the bottom half in sugar. 
    3. Set skewers aside to fully dry.
    4. Pour 4 cups of water in a large pot and set over medium heat. 
    5. As the water heats, add 1 cup of sugar at a time and stir until it dissolves. 
    6. Continue to add sugar and stir until you cannot get the sugar to dissolve any more. (We used about 10 cups of sugar total.)
    7. Once you’ve reached the sugar limit, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. 
    8. Remove from heat and cool for 10-15 minutes. 
    9. While the water is cooling, prepare your jars. Pour one packet of Kool-Aid per jar and add the sugar solution until it is dissolved. 
    10. When the water has cooled to room temperature, add one skewer per jar. (The solution must be fully cooled first. Make sure they do not touch the sides or bottom of the jar.)
    11. Time to wait! It takes about 2 weeks for the candy to fully form. Take pictures of your rock candy every few days to see its progression. 

    Follow this link from our friends at Growing A Jeweled Rose once you’re done to dive into the science behind rock candy. 





  • Corn Kernel Dance

    Feeling restless? Want to dance? Why not make some corn kernels dance with you? All it takes is dried corn kernels, baking soda, white vinegar, and a clear glass.

    1. Put your favorite song to dance to.
    2. Add 1 cup of kernels to the glass.
    3. Pour 2 cups on vinegar in.
    4. Add 1/4 cup of baking soda, watch the reaction, and get your groove on!

    Thanks Green Kid Crafts for the great idea!